Lego Batman 2 Cheat Codes Ps3


For LEGO Batman: The Videogame on the PlayStation 3, GameFAQs has 93 cheat codes and secrets. Sep 19, 2016 Heroes from the DC Universe join up with the Caped Crusader to root out evil in LEGO Batman 2: Super Heroes. PC Cheats; Wii Cheats; PS3 Cheats; Xbox 360 Cheats; Vita Cheats; NDS Cheats; Wiki.

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Games / Hack / Cheats / Tips Lego Batman 2 Cheat Codes Ps3
ATTENTION :, no software can hack Facebook, Skype, Paypal, Twitter .. be careful, Just Cheat a game. Hack-Cheat Team.
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Related Hack and Cheats

Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ
What is CelebrityGamerZ?
Cheat mode

Pause the game, select the 'Extras' option, and choose the 'Enter Code' selection. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

2X Stud Multiplier74EZUT
Attract StudsMNZER6
Character StudsTPJ37T
Extra Hearts4LGJ7T
Extra Toggle7TXH5K
Fall RescueTPGPG2
Gold Brick FinderMBXW7V
Minikit Piece FinderLRJAG8
Peril FinderRYD3SJ
Red Brick Finder5KKQ6G
Regenerate HeartsZXEX5D
Super BuildJN2J6V
Vine GrapplesJXN7FJ
Harley Quinn's MotorbikeC79LVH
Clown Goon9ZZZBP
Mime GoonZQA8MK
Police OfficerV9SAGT
Riddler GoonQ285LK
Two-Face Goon95KPYJ
Red Brick Minikit finder

In Gotham Park near the park, play the mini-game with the boats. Shoot the subs with your boat to unlock the Red Brick Minikit finder. You can purchase it for 50,000 Studs.

Red Brick X2

Find the Remote Bat Computer near the police station. Turn left, and you will see a mini-game. Play the game, and smash the cars with your hammer car to unlock the Red Brick X2.

Lego Batman 2 Ps3 Stud Multiplier Cheat Codes

Super speed flying

While flying forward (and not in a level), quickly press A(2), then hold A to blast forward and fly at a super speed.

Batman: Arkham Asylum reference

When you fight the Prototype LexBot near the end of Level 9, the robot runs into the walls and can be hurt just like Bane and the Titan Thugs in Batman: Arkham Asylum.

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Lego Batman 3 All Characters Cheat

Suzerain presidential edition download for mac. Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:

Lego Batman 2 Aquaman Cheat Code Ps3

    Complete Hero (Platinum): Collected all of the trophies.
    Theatrical Pursuits (Bronze): Complete story level 1.
    Harboring a Criminal (Bronze): Complete story level 2.
    Arkham Asylum Antics (Bronze): Complete story level 3.
    Asylum Assignment (Bronze): Complete story level 4.
    Chemical Crisis (Bronze): Complete story level 5.
    Chemical Signature (Bronze): Complete story level 6.
    Unwelcome Guests (Bronze): Complete story level 7.
    Destination Metropolis (Bronze): Complete story level 8.
    Research and Development (Bronze): Complete story level 9.
    Down to Earth (Bronze): Complete story level 10.
    Underground Retreat (Bronze): Complete story level 11.
    The Next President (Bronze): Complete story level 12.
    Core Instability (Bronze): Complete story level 13.
    Tower Defiance (Bronze): Complete story level 14.
    Heroes Unite (Bronze): Complete story level 15.
    City Slicker (Gold): Collect all the gold bricks (Single Player Only).
    Halfway Through (Silver): Get 50% (Single Player Only).
    The End (Gold): Get 100% (Single Player Only).
    Extra! Extra! (Bronze): Collect all the red bricks (Single Player Only).
    Test Hero (Silver): Test a custom character.
    Minikit Hero (Gold): Use all the Minikit vehicles.
    Team Building (Gold): Unlock all characters (Single Player Only).
    Super Hero (Silver): Get Super Hero in all levels (Single Player Only).
    My Hero (Silver): Rescue all Citizens in Peril (Single Player Only).
    Dynamic Duo (Bronze): Play a level in co-op.
    Justice League (Silver): Unlock all Justice League characters (Single Player Only).
    Toy Gotham (Bronze): Complete the Bonus level.
    Super-Villain (Silver): Unlock all the Bosses (Single Player Only).
    Subway Hero (Bronze): Use the Gotham City Metro.
    Combo Hero (Bronze): Do a finishing move.
    The House of Luthor (Silver): Obtain more than 10,100,000,000 Studs (Single Player Only).
    Girl Power (Silver): Unlock all female heroes and villains. (Single Player Only).
    Inferior Machines (Bronze): With Brainiac, defeat any LexBot.
    It's A Bird. It's A Plane. (Bronze): Fly with Superman.
    Green Lantern's Light (Bronze): Defeat Sinestro as Green Lantern.
    Kal-El Last Son of Krypton (Bronze): Defeat Zod as Superman.
    Gorilla Thriller (Bronze): Climb to the top of Wayne tower while riding a Gorilla and playing as a female character.
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