Blast Design Software Free Download


Blast Resistant Glazing Design 2007 (BRGD2007) finds its basis in the ASTM F 2248 design standard. The software enables the user to size rectangular laminated glass and insulating glass constructed with at least one laminated glass lite to resist user-specified explosive threats.

The below table describes the features of the Blast Resistant Glazing Design program.

Primer-BLAST was developed by NCBI and utilises the Primer3 platform in. Bugbyte bundle download for mac. Generates blast plan and according to the delay pattern structure, simulation. BLAst DESigner Software (BLADES) calculates blast plan parameters, explosives charge distribution, initiation timing and sequence, results in terms of rock breakage and fragment size distribution.

Allows the user to select an explosive threat, such as UFC 4-010-01 Explosive Weight I, UFC 4-010-01 Explosive Weight II, ISA Medium Threat (GSA Level C), ISA Higher Threat (GSA Level D).

JKSimBlast is a suite of programs for blast design and analysis. The main blast design programs can be used stand-alone, or with the other programs for extended blast analysis and data management. The JKSimBlast programs are. Blastatistics ® software for quality control of drilling and blasting in open-cut mines. Blast Design, Analysis and Management. JKSimBlast is a comprehensive suite of programs for blast design and analysis. It is available as individual stand-alone modules or packages. Jul 18, 2017 The source of these explosions can be accidental or malevolent. Regardless, site personnel need protection from these hazards. Blast-resistant buildings shield workers and critical assets from blast effects. In this post, we highlight Finite Element Analysis, and its application in the design of Blast Resistant Buildings. In this post we’ll.

Provides the user with fenestration supported on 4 sides.

Blast Design software, free download Windows 10

Calculates the equivalent 3-second design loading in psf (kPa).
Calculates the approximate maximum air blast pressure, in psf (kPa).
Calculates the nominal glass thickness for single lite or symmetric insulating glass unit design (as selected) necessary to resist the specified explosive threat, in in. (mm) using ASTM E1300-02.
Calculates the recommended size of structural sealant bead to attach glazing to frame, in in. (mm)

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Operating Systems
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Windows Vista

Windows Server 2000
Windows NT Server 4.0
Windows Server 2003

Version 4.0 now available! Now safer, faster and easier to use than ever!


Use our new Split Camera smart device App to acquire muckpile images without the need for scale objects in the scene. Images acquired using the App for the auto-scale feature are compatible with Version 4.

For safer and easier image acquisition, download our Split Camera app from Google Play and the Apple App Store today!

Split-Desktop® is the industry approved software standard for manual, off-line coarse rock fragmentation size determination. More than 500 licenses have been sold in its 16 year history. Digital images acquired in the field can be analyzed on a laptop or at the office to determine the particle size distribution of your fragmented rock at any stage in the comminution process. The source of these images can be a muck pile, haul truck, leach pile, draw point, waste dump, stockpile, conveyor belt, rip rap, sediment or any other situation where clear images of rock fragments can be obtained. Within Split-Desktop, the images are manually scaled and edited for optimum accuracy.

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  • All new interface with better, faster, easier file management and organization
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  • Improved editing tools and tool-tips
  • Automation and scripting to save time and provide customization to your workflow
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